Whether you are asking: “what is 46 to the power of 98?” or “what is 46 to the 98 power?” or “what is 46 raised to the power of 98?” or “what is 46 raised to 98?” you are looking to perform a mathematical operation called exponentiation of 46 to the power of 98. Don’t be confused by the term “exponentiation”. The calculation itself is not too complex. But before we explain the details of the calculation, here is your answer:

46 to the power of 98 = 4698 = 46^98 = 8.918000755271E+162

ANSWER: 8.918000755271E+162

You can confirm this calculation or perform any other exponent calculation in the exponent calculator below:


Raising 46 to the Power of 98 Explained

First, let’s clarify the terms. We mentioned that we are performing exponentiation when we raise 46 to the power of 98. While performing exponentiation we multiply a number called base (mathematically denoted as “b” or “x”) by itself a certain number of times (mathematically denoted as “n” or “y”). The “number of times” is called exponent. To sum up, in this example 46 is the base (b) and 98 is an exponent (n).

Mathematical Expression for 46 to the 98 Power

There are two ways how raising 46 to the 98 power is written. You can write this expression with a superscript which is a small number written immediately above and to the right of the base as shown below:


Another way to write 46 to the 98 power is to use the caret (^) symbol. For example, this comes handy for calculations in Excel where you perform exponentiation using caret (^) symbol. Here is the expression:


Does not matter whether you use a superscript or a caret symbol to write the expression the underpinning formula looks like this:

46 to the power of 98 = 46 x … x 46 (98 times)

To recap 46 is the base and 98 is the exponent (number of times that you multiply the base with).

How to solve 46 to the 98 power on a scientific calculator

If you are using a scientific calculator you can quickly raise 46 to the power of 98 following these steps:

  • Type 46 in the calculator
  • Then press “xy” button
  • Enter 98 and hit “=”

You will notice that the calculator expression uses the caret (^) symbol as opposed to a superscript.

For more exponent calculations visit our exponent calculator page.

Common exponent calculation quick table

Find some of the most common exponent calculations below. In the first column you see the base or x and in the subsequent columns you have exponents or y with the caret (^) symbol.

Base  ^1  ^2  ^3  ^4  ^5
1               1             1                1                    1                    1
2               1             4                8                  16                 32
3               1             9              27                  81               243
4               1           16              64                256            1,024
5               1           25            125                625            3,125
6               1           36            216             1,296            7,776
7               1           49            343             2,401          16,807
8               1           64            512             4,096          32,768
9               1           81            729             6,561          59,049
10               1        100        1,000           10,000        100,000
11               1        121        1,331           14,641        161,051
12               1        144        1,728           20,736        248,832
13               1        169        2,197           28,561        371,293
14               1        196        2,744           38,416        537,824
15               1        225        3,375           50,625        759,375
16               1        256        4,096           65,536    1,048,576
17               1        289        4,913           83,521    1,419,857
18               1        324        5,832        104,976    1,889,568
19               1        361        6,859        130,321    2,476,099
20               1        400        8,000        160,000    3,200,000